Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Acne, What it is ?

Bismillah, Assalamua’laikum, Regards Successfull Guntalers

Acne usually starts in puberty, but it affects adults too. Around 80% of teenagers get some form of acne, and there are many myths about what causes it. Here are the facts and details of treatments. 

Acne consists of spots and painful bumps on the skin. It's most noticeable on the face, but can also appear on the back, shoulders and buttocks. Severe acne can cause scarring.
What causes acne?

Acne is mostly due to the way skin reacts to hormonal changes. The skin contains sebaceous glands that naturally release sebum, an oily substance that helps protect it. During puberty, raised levels of the hormone testosterone can cause too much sebum to be produced. This happens in both boys and girls. 

The sebum can block hair follicles. When dead skin cells mix with the blockage, it can lead to the formation of spots. Bacteria in the skin multiply, which can cause pain and swelling (inflammation) beneath the blockages. 

There are different kinds of spots:
• Blackheads are small, blocked pores.
• Whiteheads are small, hard bumps with a white centre.
• Pustules are spots with a lot of pus visible.
• Nodules are hard, painful lumps under the skin.
Inflammatory acne is when the skin is also red and swollen. This needs to be treated early to prevent scarring. 

Try not to pick or squeeze spots as this can cause inflammation and lead to scarring. Spots will eventually go away on their own, but they might leave redness in the skin for some weeks or months afterwards. 

Acne can become worse during times of stress. In women, it can be affected by the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, acne can occur during pregnancy.
If you have acne, wash your skin gently with a mild cleanser and use an oil-free moisturiser. Scrubbing or exfoliating can irritate the skin, making it look and feel sore. 

There are several myths about what causes acne: 

Food. Many people say that eating chocolate or greasy food causes acne, but this isn't true. There isn't any evidence that acne is caused by what you eat. However, eating a balanced diet is good for your general health so aim to eat as healthily as you can.

Bad hygiene. Some people believe that acne is caused by bad personal hygiene, but this is not true. If you are going to get acne, you will get it no matter how much you clean your skin. Too much cleaning can make the condition worse by removing the protective oils in your skin.

Make-up. There is also a myth that wearing make-up can cause spots, but there is no evidence that this is the case. The less you touch your skin, the fewer bacteria will be spread to your skin. If you wear make-up, wash your hands before putting your make-up on and always remove it before going to bed. 

Acne will usually go away on its own, but it can take many years. There are treatments that can help clear acne more quickly. Over-the-counter treatments can help with mild acne. Ask a pharmacist for advice on which treatment could help and how long you will have to use it. You may not see results for several weeks. 

If over-the-counter treatments don't help, treatments are available on prescription. Your GP can assess how bad your acne is and discuss the options with you. Don't be afraid to tell your GP how your acne affects your life and how it makes you feel. 

Mild, non-inflammatory acne consists of whiteheads and blackheads. Treatments include gels or lotions that can contain retinoids (vitamin A), topical (applied to the skin) antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide (which is antibacterial) or azelaic acid. 

These medications, or a combination of them, can also be used to treat mild-to-moderate inflammatory acne, which has some pustules and nodules. It can take up to eight weeks before you see a difference in your skin, and treatment may need to be continued for six months. 

In women, contraceptive pills that contain oestrogen can help clear acne. 

If acne is severe, your GP can refer you to a dermatologist who may prescribe a stronger medication called isotretinoin (Roaccutane). Find out about acne treatments, including isotretinoin.

Some light and laser therapies claim to help get rid of acne. However, few if any of these are available on the NHS.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Berpengaruhkah Fashion Pada Orientasi ?

Pernah melihat seorang anak remaja laki-laki memakai baju kaos bewarna pink atau merah jambu ? Atau seorang anak perempuan dengan cincin di bibir ? Mungkin tak jarang lagi untuk menemukan itu di sini, di negeri ini atau di sekolah kita ini sendiri SMA N 1 Gunung Talang. Tidak sedikit yang kita lihat seperti itu.

Pertanyaannya, apa yang salah sebenarnya dengan Fashion ? Sebenarnya tidak ada yang salah dengan mode dan fashion karena fashion selalu berkembang dan kadang berputar mundur atau berputar menuruti perputaran bumi. Dan sesuatu yang alami kalau kita mengikuti perkembangan dari fashion dan mode. Yang tidak alami adalah kita kadang secara tidak sadar mengikuti philosophy dan prinsip yang di bangun oleh para pengembang dan “meluruskan” tujuan dari pengembang tersebut, namun sebenarnya kita terbatas dan diatur serta dibatasi oleh beberapa norma, baik norma yang kita ciptakan sendiri (berupa prinsip) atau norma-norma lain yang ada dalam lingkungan kita ( sebagai contoh, norma sosial yang hidup dan ada dilingkungan kita sendiri)

Terlepas dari norma dan aturan yang mengatur, namun ada beberapa fashion yang tidak sesuai dengan diri kita sendiri. Secara tidak langsung misalnya emo,(penulis mengambil satu aliran fashion ini sebagai contoh bukan untuk mendiskriminasikan satu golongan). Pada umumnya emo ini dilahirkan dan tercipta dari ketidakpuasan sekelompok orang di masa lalu pada keterkekangan atau keterikatan pada satu norma dan norma lainnya. Boleh disebut pecahan dari skinhead dan punk (aliran musik, karena memang sebenarnya ini ekspresi emotion  dari keterkekangan dari bermusik hingga merambah ke fashion  ). Tapi di sini penulis mencoba untuk mengulas bagian kaitannya pada fashion, mental dan orientasi.

Pada umumnya orang-orang yang menganut atau mendeskripsikan diri dengan cara ini memiliki sifat dan keperibadian mental yang khas,  kebanyakan dari mereka yang mendeskripsikan diri seperti ini, memiliki kepribadian yang tertutup di keluarga dan opened sesama mereka. Banyak penelitian dan hasil survey menyebutkan kalau orang-orang emo terutama remaja, lebih menyukai style emo in fashion, karena mereka menganggap dengan memilih emo, mereka bisa mengekpresikan diri dengan bebas. Tapi sayangnya diusia mereka yang labil (masa remaja) mereka kebablasan dalam pengaplikasian  emo ini. Hingga berujung kepada mental dan orientasi seks mereka sendiri.

Bukan mendeskritkan, tapi lebih kepada rujukan realita yang tercermin di masa sekarang, banyak anak-anak remaja yang menganut emo’s philosophy kebablasan dipenerapannya. Banyak dari mereka “salah” dalam mengerti emotion yang ada dalam emo itu sendiri. Sebenarnya kesalahan ini telah terjadi di awal-awal kemunculan emo itu sendiri. Banyak dari emo lovers ini yang kebablasan dalam prinsipnya, hingga berubah dan “merubah” total mental hingga orientasi mereka pun kebablasan dalam penerapan emotion.

Hingga banyak dari emo lovers ini yang “mengubah” sendiri orientasi dan perilaku seks mereka, kebanyakan dari mereka mengepresikan seks kepada sesama jenis dari mereka, hingga terlahirlah konsep-konsep baru dalam orientasi sexual homo emo, yang perempuan lebih suka mengekpresikan cinta pada perempuan begitu juga dengan laki-laki.

Hingga perkembangannya disetiap negara mempunyai sebutan emotion philosophy sendiri-sendiri. Sebagai contoh, untuk kawasan barat, amerika dan lainnya menyebut dengan Skinhead atau metal dan punk yang merupakan titik awal terjadinya emo  ini. Selanjutnya untuk kawasan Asia, Asia Timur khususnya menyebut diri mereka dengan sebutan harajuku dan tentunya di Indonesia juga terlahir hal-hal yang demikian Sebut saja dengan anak alay (kurang lebih begitu).

Namun terlepas dari itu semua, konsep dari emotion philosophy itu adalah kebebasan dalam berkarya dan menghasilkan karya terutama dalam menghasilkan karya bermusik dan fashion. Tidak ada salahnya untuk diterapkan, namun tetaplah pada koridor yang sudah ada dan sesuai dengan culture di mana kita mengekspresikan diri. Jangan sampai fashion dan prinsip turunan yang kita anut seperti emotion philosophy dan lain sebagainya, mengacaukan natural principle  kita sebagai manusia. Seperti dalam mengekspresikan diri dan Orientasi Seks. Terutama anak-anak kita yang masih remaja.

SMAN 1 Gunung Talang Juara 1 LCC

SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Talang (Guntal) berhasil meraih juara 1 Lomba Cerdas Cermat (LCC) empat pilar kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara (Pancasila, UUD NRI Tahun 1945, NKRI, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) tingkat SLTA di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, dengan demikian SMAN 1 Guntal berhak mewakili Sumbar untuk melaju ke tingkat nasional yang akan digelar di Jakarta Oktober mendatang.

Berlangsung di aula Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (LPMP) Provinsi Sumbar (13/2) dan disaksikan langsung oleh Wakil Ketua MPR RI, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin acara final LCC berlangsung sengit, dari mulai perlombaan hingga memasuki babak rebutan puncak ketegangan pun melanda wajah para peserta yang beranggotakan 10 (sepuluh) orang. Namun dengan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi dan disertai dengan kekompakan tim akhirnya SMAN 1 Guntal berhasil menyisihkan SMAN 2 Sawahlunto dan SMKN 2 Padang Panjang untuk keluar sebagai juara. Dengan mental juara yang dimiliki SMAN 1 Guntal berhasil meraih 125 poin, unggul 20 poin dari SMKN 2 Padang Panjang dan 15 poin dari SMAN 2 Sawahlunto.

Khusus untuk SMAN 1 Guntal, hal ini merupakan kemenangan yang tertunda setelah kalah pada tahun 2010 oleh SMAN 1 Padang Panjang. “setelah empat tahun berjuang akhirnya kami (SMAN 1 Guntal) sampai ke Jakarta,” ujar Anindia Rahmadela, juru bicara kelompok SMAN 1 Guntal.

Untuk mempersiapkan melaju ke tingkat nasional, SMAN 1 Guntal bulatkan tekad untuk mempertahankan juara nasional agar tetap menjadi milik ranah Minang, seperti tahun sebelumnya SMAN 1 Padang Panjang berhasil meraih juara nasional.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Internet Membuat Otak Remaja Mengerut

Penggunaan internet sudah sangat umum pada zaman sekarang. Tapi sebuah studi menemukan bahwa menggunakan internet secara berlebihan dapat merusak otak remaja yang membuat salah satu bagian otak cenderung keriput.

Para ilmuwan menemukan adanya tanda-tanda atrofi (penyusutan) pada materi abu-abu di otak remaja pengguna internet berat yang semakin memburuk dari waktu ke waktu.

Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi tingkat konsentrasi dan memori, serta kemampuan remaja untuk membuat keputusan dan tujuan yang diterapkan. Selain itu juga dapat mengurangi hambatan dan mendorong remaja melakukan perilaku yang tidak pantas.

Kesimpulan ini diperoleh dari penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan scan otak MRI dari 18 pelajar berusia 19 tahun yang menghabiskan 8 sampai 13 jam sehari untuk bermain game online,selama enam hari dalam seminggu.

Pelajar diklasifikasikan sebagai pecandu internet setelah menjawab delapan pertanyaan, termasuk apakah mereka telah mencoba untuk berhenti menggunakan internet dan apakah mereka berbohong kepada anggota keluarga tentang jumlah waktu yang mereka habiskan untuk online.

Hasil perbandingan dengan kelompok kontrol menunjukkan bahwa remaja pecandu internet mengalami kerusakan pada materi abu-abu di permukaan keriput otak (korteks), yang merupakan tempat pengolahan memori, emosi, kemampuan bahasa, penglihatan, pendengaran dan kontrol motor.

Peneliti juga menemukan adanya perubahan dalam jaringan otak yang disebut sebagai materi putih, yang melewatkan pesan antara daerah berbeda dari materi abu-abu dalam sistem saraf.

Menurut peneliti, kelainan ini dapat membuat remaja lebih bergantung pada internet dan harus menghadapi risiko mengalami IAD (internet addiction disorder).

"Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecanduan internet jangka panjang akan mengakibatkan perubahan struktur otak," artikel ini dirangkum dari beberapa penelitian yang telah dipublikasikan..

“Sorry is the hardest word to say", Cobalah Cara Ini !

“Sorry is the hardest word to say". Begitulah kerasnya untuk memaafkan seseorang. Bukan hanya memaafkan orang lain, terkadang memaafkan diri sendiri juga bukan perkara mudah. Dibutuhkan pengorbanan dan keberanian.

Padahal, terus-menerus memendam kemarahan hanya akan merugikan diri sendiri. Bahkan apabila rasa benci itu terus menguasai, Anda berisiko menderita banyak penyakit. Orang yang tidak bisa memaafkan umumnya akan merasa lebih cemas, takut, dan pemarah.
Kebencian kronis memiliki efek yang dapat melemahkan Anda. Karena kebencian tersebut akan menimbulkan kemarahan, rasa bersalah, permusuhan, dan sakit hati dari waktu ke waktu. Emosi bisa melepaskan hormon kortisol, yang bisa berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan Anda.

Di sisi lain, belajar memaafkan memberikan banyak manfaat kesehatan, beberapa diantaranya adalah:
* Meningkatkan respon imun,
* Menurunkan tekanan darah
* Meningkatkan tidur
* Mengurangi kecemasan dan depresi
* Meningkatkan harga diri
* Memberikan Anda ketenangan pikiran.

Hal di atas hanya sebagian kecil manfaat yang ditawarkan kepada Anda dengan memaafkan orang lain. Jadi, mengapa Anda tidak mencoba untuk menanamkan kebiasaan tersebut mulai dari sekarang untuk mendapatkan manfaat kesehatan yang begitu banyak.

Satu atau dua kejadian buruk di masa lalu janganlah sampai mempengaruhi kehidupan Anda saat ini. Yang lalu biarkanlah berlalu, karena hidup akan terus berjalan. Oleh karena itu, perlu untuk seseorang belajar mengampuni diri sendiri dan orang lain!

Bagaimana cara memaafkan?
- Terima situasinya. Apa yang terjadi di masa lalu tidak bisa diubah lagi, jadi terimalah fakta itu. Tak ada seorang pun yang sempurna.
- Lepaskan. Memaafkan bukan berarti melupakan yang terjadi. Ini berarti Anda tak lagi menciptakan emosi yang sama dengan yang pernah dirasakan lagi dan lagi dalam pikiran. Belajarlah dari situasi dan bergeraklah.
- Hindari kata negatif. Kata-kata memiliki kekuatan tersembunyi. "Tidak", dan "tak pernah", akan membuat Anda makin terbenam dalam ingatan masa lalu. Jadi, kalimat seperti "saya tak akan pernah bisa bertemu dengannya," atau "saya tak akan lupa apa yang telah dia lakukan," harus dihindari.
- Tuliskan dan hancurkan. Tuliskan semua hal yang pernah dilakukan dan Anda rasa salah atau apa yang orang lain lakukan terhadap Anda. Menulis bisa membantu  membersihkan pikiran. Latihan ini akan membantu Anda menemukan masalah-masalah yang belum terselesaikan dalam pikiran Anda.
- Berhenti menghakimi diri sendiri. Ijinkan diri Anda untuk berbuat salah. Bersikap baiklah dan cintai diri sendiri. Memilih untuk memaafkan diri kemudian maju selangkah dan lepaskan masa lalu. Jika Anda merasa telah mengecewakan seseorang, tak ada salahnya Anda menemuinya dan secara langsung minta maaf. Anda juga harus memahami apa yang pernah Anda perbuat mungkin tak sebesar itu melukai dirinya. Meminta maaf langsung juga akan membebaskan Anda dari derita pikiran.

Aloe Vera dan Manfaatnya

Aloe vera atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan lidah buaya adalah tanaman tropis sukulen yang memiliki bentuk seperti daun berdaging. Daun ini memiliki banyak manfaat, baik sebagai obat maupun untuk kosmetik.
Lidah buaya merupakan tanaman yang cukup unik karena mengandung berbagai senyawa biologis aktif, seperti mannans asetat, polymannans, antrakuinon, dan berbagai lektin. Lidah buaya juga mengandung sekitar 75 jenis zat yang telah dikenal bermanfaat dan lebih dari 200 senyawa lain yang membuatnya layak digunakan dalam pengobatan herbal.

Aloe Vera
Zat-zat tersebut termasuk enzim yang membantu pencernaan dan mengurangi peradangan, semua jenis vitamin terkecuali vitamin D, mineral yang diperlukan untuk fungsi enzim, gula rantai panjang untuk menyeimbangkan kembali sistem pencernaan; saponin yang berfungsi sebagai anti-mikroba, dan 20 dari 22 jenis asam amino.
Berikut ini adalah sejumlah manfaat yang dapat Anda peroleh dari lidah buaya :

1. Detoksifikasi. Jus lidah buaya adalah peluruh racun alami, tetapi juga mengandung beragam vitamin dan mineral yang membantu tubuh kita mengatasi stres dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
2. Gangguan pencernaan. Lidah buaya berguna terutama pada kasus panas perut serta iritasi usus dan tukak lambung. Lidah buaya diketahui dapat menenangkan esofagus dan mengatasi refluks asam.
3. Kesehatan mulut. Lidah buaya sangat bermanfaat untuk masalah mulut dan gusi, terutama dalam memperbaiki gusi yang memburuk.
4. Perawatan kulit. Fungsinya juga menghilangkan jerawat, melembabkan kulit, detoksifikasi kulit, penghapusan bekas luka dan tanda, mengurangi peradangan, serta perbaikan dan peremajaan kulit.
5. Diabetes. Setengah sendok jus lidah buaya yang diberikan selama 14 minggu terbukti mengurangi kadar gula darah sebesar 45 persen.
6. Membantu gerakan usus. Aloe lateks mengandung antrakuinon glycosidesaloin A dan B yang bermanfaat sebagai obat pencahar yang kuat.
7. Menjaga berat badan. Jus lidah buaya telah digunakan selama bertahun-tahun untuk menurunkan berat badan.
8. Kekebalan. Lidah buaya merupakan antioksidan yang penuh kontra radikal bebas untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
9. Luka bakar. Gel lidah buaya dapat menyembuhkan dan memperbaiki kulit yang terkena luka bakar, termasuk luka bakar akibat paparan sinar matahari.
10. Ketombe. Lidah buaya dapat membantu mengurangi gatal dan ketombe. Lidah buaya juga bisa digunakan untuk perawatan rambut sebelum keramas.

Tagged and Shared by Alumni 2006

This photo was tagged by Friends Alumni 2006 Triana Faradila Putri, This pict was shooted when BuBar 2010, in City Park Solok (RTH Kota Solok, West Sumatra , Indonesia). If you want to Sharing Content, Please send to

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part II

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part II
Remaja penyihir itu telah menaklukkan sang ksatria kegelapan dan serombongan perompak dengan aksi magis yang memecahkan rekor baik di box office dalam maupun luar negeri. Film terakhir "Harry Potter" mengguncang rekor box office di seluruh dunia dengan mengantungi 168,6 juta dolar AS dari penjualan tiket di Amerika Utara dan Kanada pada akhir pekan dan hampir 476 juta dolar AS secara global.

Di tingkat internasional, film terakhir "Harry Potter" meraih 307 juta dolar di 59 negara sejak peluncurannya pekan lalu, satu rekor baru. Pemasukan tersebut meliputi penjualan tiket akhir pekan ditambah pada Rabu (13/7) dan Kamis di beberapa pasar. Rekor sebelumnya untuk pembukaan luar negeri dipegang oleh "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", film keempat dari serial yang diluncurkan pada Mei, yang meraup sebesar 260 juta dolar di luar Amerika Utara dalam debutnya.

Film kedelapan dari serial "Harry Potter" itu, yang berkisah dengan remaja penyihir bersama teman-temannya dalam memerangi kejahatan, juga diramalkan meraih penghasilan total terbesar pada hari pembukaan di dalam negeri. Film tersebut meraih penghasilan rata-rata 38,526 juta dolar di lebih dari 4.300 layar, demikian keterangan Warner Bros, satu dari Time Warner In., sebagaimana dilaporkan Reuters

Banyaknya penonton "Deathly Hallows --Part 2" menunjukkan cerita itu masih menarik perhatian penonton satu dasawarsa setelah film pertama kisah petualangan Harry Potter diluncurkan.

Kamu juga penasaran bukan, Mau tau Filmnya seperti apa ? Liat di sini. or Please click image.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Easy to Make Homework

Create a Homework Plan

Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less work.
First, be sure you understand the assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don't be afraid to ask questions about what's expected. It's much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night! If you want, you can also ask how long the particular homework assignment should take to
complete so you can budget your time.

Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. It's tempting to hang out with friends during study periods or unstructured time, but the more work you can get done in school, the less you'll have to do that night.

Third, pace yourself. If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. Most high-school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it's a heavy homework day and it seems like you've got an assignment in every subject but gym and lunch, you'll need to devote more time to homework. It's a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule, especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an after-school job.

Watch Where You Work

When you settle down to do homework or to study, where do you do it? Parked in front of the TV? In the kitchen, with the sound of dishes being cleared and your brothers and sisters fighting?
These places may have worked when you were younger and your assignments didn't require as much skill and concentration. But now that you're older, a bedroom, study, or any other room where you can get away from noise and distractions is the best place to get homework done. But don't study on your comfy bed — opt for a desk or table that you can set your computer on and is comfortable to work at. It doesn't need to be large, just big enough to spread out your stuff.

Get to Work

When you start your homework, tackle the hardest assignments first. It's tempting to start with the easy stuff to get it out of the way, but you'll have the most energy and focus when you begin, so it's best to use this mental power on the subjects that are most challenging. Later, when you're more tired, you can focus on the simpler things.

If you get stuck on a problem, try to figure it out as best you can — but don't obsess and spend too much time on it because this can mess up your homework schedule for the rest of the night. If you need to, ask an adult or older sibling for help or call or email a classmate for advice. But don't pick someone you'll be up all night chatting with or you'll never get it done!

Take a Break

Most people's attention spans aren't very long, so take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without stretching or relaxing will make you less productive than if you stop every so often. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good idea for most people. (But if you're really concentrating, wait until it's a good time to stop.)

Once your homework is done, you can check over it if you have extra time. Be sure to put it safely away in your backpack — there's nothing worse than having a completed assignment that you can't find the next morning or that gets ruined by a careless brother or sister. (And no teacher still believes that "chewed by the dog" line — even when it's true!) Now you're free to hang out.

Get Help When You Need It

Sometimes even though you're paying attention in class, studying for tests, and doing your homework, certain classes seem too hard. Although you may hope that things will get easier or that the explanation to the geometry theorems will magically appear in your dreams, most of the time this doesn't happen.

What does happen for many people is that they work harder and harder as they fall further and further behind. Naturally, this makes them hate a class and everything to do with it. If you need extra help, the most important thing to know is that there's nothing weird or embarrassing about it. No one is expected to understand everything, and people have very different learning styles.

The first place to turn for help is your teacher. He or she may be able to work with you before or after school and explain things more clearly. But what if you don't feel comfortable with your teacher? If you're in a big enough school, there may be other teachers who teach the same subject. Speak to a guidance counselor or to the other teacher directly and you may be in luck.
Sometimes it just helps to have someone new explain something in a different way.

You might also be able to get some help from another student. If there's someone you like who's a good student, think about asking that person if you can study together. This might help because you'll be hearing the information from the perspective of one of your peers. However, keep in mind that this might not get you the results you need. Lots of people understand something perfectly without being able to explain it.

Another option for extra help is a tutor, either after school, on weekends, or in the evening. You'll need to talk to an adult about this because it costs money to hire a tutor. Tutors sometimes come to your home, but there are also tutoring centers across the country. A tutor may have broad knowledge of many things or may be trained in just one subject. Tutors work with you one on one, helping review and further explain things taught in the classroom. The advantage of having a tutor is that it gives you the opportunity to ask questions directly and work at your own pace.

If you're interested in a tutor, check the internet or the yellow pages of your phone book, or get a referral from a teacher, a friend, or classmate who has a tutor. And if you live in or near a town with a college or university, you may find tutors there. Often college students will tutor high school students in their areas of study to help cover the costs of school.

Change of Voice

What Causes My Voice to Change?

At puberty, guys' bodies begin producing a lot of the hormonetestosterone (pronounced: tes-tahs-tuh-rone), which causes changes in several parts of the body, including the voice. For starters, a guy's larynx (pronounced: lar-inks), also known as the voice box, grows bigger.
The larynx, which is located in the throat at the top of the trachea(pronounced: tray-kee-ah) or windpipe, is like a hollow tube about 2 inches (5 centimeters) high. The larynx is responsible for creating the sound of your voice.

Stretched across your larynx are two muscles, your vocal cords, which are kind of like rubber bands. When you breathe, your vocal cords relax against the walls of the larynx and completely open to allow air to get in and out of your lungs. When you speak, though, your vocal cords close together by stretching across the larynx. Air from your lungs is then forced out between your vocal cords, causing them to vibrate and produce the tone of your voice.

When you lower your voice, your vocal cords are relaxed and more floppy. When you make your voice higher, your vocal cords tighten. (You can notice this difference in how they feel as you adjust your speech.)

As your larynx grows, your vocal cords grow longer and thicker. Also, your facial bones begin to grow. Cavities in the sinuses, the nose, and the back of the throat grow bigger, creating more space in the face that gives your voice more room to echo. All of these factors cause your voice to get deeper.

Think of a guitar. When a thin string is plucked, it vibrates and produces a high-sounding tone. When a thicker string is plucked, it sounds much deeper when it vibrates. That's kind of what happens to your voice. Before your growth spurt, your larynx is relatively small and your vocal cords are relatively thin. So your voice is high and kid-like. But as bones, cartilage, and vocal cords grow, your voice starts to sound like an adult's.

Along with all the other changes in your body, you might notice that your throat area looks a little different. For guys, when the larynx grows bigger, it tilts to a different angle inside the neck. Part of it sticks out in the part of the neck at the front of the throat and forms the Adam's apple. For girls, the larynx also grows bigger but not as much as a guy's. That's why girls don't have Adam's apples.

The Importance of Talking,

Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?

Most medical professionals, including organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association, believe that sexual orientation involves a complex mixture of biology, psychology, and environmental factors. A person's genes and inborn hormonal factors may play a role as well. These medical professionals believe that — in most cases — sexual orientation, whatever its causes, is not simply chosen.

Not everyone agrees. Some believe that individuals can choose who they are attracted to — and that people who are gay have chosen to be attracted to people of the same gender. No matter what someone's sexual orientation is, in some cases it may be affected by the life experiences that person has had.

There are lots of opinions and stereotypes about sexual orientation, though, and some of these can be hurtful to people of all orientations. For example, having a more "feminine" appearance or interest does not mean that a guy is gay. And having a more "masculine" appearance doesn't mean a girl is lesbian. As with most things, making assumptions just based on looks can lead to the wrong conclusion.

The Importance of Talking

No matter what someone's sexual orientation is, learning about sexuality and relationships can be difficult. It can help to talk to someone about the confusing feelings that go with growing up, perhaps a parent or other family member, a close friend or sibling, or a school counselor. It's not always easy to find somebody to talk to, but many people find that confiding in someone they trust and feel close to, even if they're not completely sure how that person will react, turns out to be a positive experience.

In many communities, resources such as youth groups composed of teens who are facing similar issues can provide opportunities for people to talk to others who understand. Psychologists, psychiatrists, family doctors, and trained counselors can help teens cope — confidentially and privately — with the difficult feelings that go with their developing sexuality. These experts also can help teens find ways to deal with any peer pressure, harassment, and bullying they may face.

Whether gay, straight, bisexual, or just not sure, almost all teens have questions about physically maturing and about sexual health (for example, avoiding STDs). It's important to find a doctor or health professional to discuss these issues with — someone who can provide reliable health advice.

Although sexual feelings and behavior are important parts of human development, there are still many unanswered questions about human sexuality. Researchers are constantly learning new information, and undoubtedly people will know more about sexual orientation in the coming years.

Talking About Your's Orientation

It's a natural part of life to have sexual feelings. As people pass from childhood, through adolescence, to adulthood, their sexual feelings develop and change.

Adolescence Is a Time of Change

During the teen years, sexual feelings are awakened in new ways because of the hormonal and physical changes of puberty. These changes involve both the body and the mind, and teens may wonder about new — and often intense — sexual feelings.

It takes time for many people to understand who they are and who they're becoming. Part of that understanding includes a person's sexual feelings and attractions.
The term sexual orientation refers to the gender (that is, male or female) to which a person is attracted. There are several types of sexual orientation that are commonly described:

Heterosexual. People who are heterosexual are romantically and physically attracted to members of the opposite sex: Heterosexual males are attracted to females, and heterosexual females are attracted to males. Heterosexuals are sometimes called "straight."

Homosexual. People who are homosexual are romantically and physically attracted to people of the same sex: Females who are attracted to other females are lesbian; males who are attracted to other males are often known as gay. (The term gay is sometimes also used to describe homosexual individuals of either gender.)

Bisexual. People who are bisexual are romantically and physically attracted to members of both sexes.

Teens — both guys and girls — often find themselves having sexual thoughts and attractions. For some, these feelings and thoughts can be intense — and even confusing or disturbing. That may be especially true for people who are having romantic or sexual thoughts about someone who is the same sex they are. "What does that mean," they might think. "Am I gay?"

Thinking sexually about both the same sex and the opposite sex is quite common as people sort through their emerging sexual feelings. This type of imagining about people of the same or opposite sex doesn't necessarily mean that a person fits into a particular type of sexual orientation.

Some teens may also experiment with sexual experiences, including those with members of the same sex, during the years they are exploring their own sexuality. These experiences, by themselves, do not necessarily mean that a person is gay or straight.

Lyme Disease, Did you know ?

What Is Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacterium is usually found in animals like mice and deer. It can be carried to people from these animals by Ixodesticks (known as black-legged or deer ticks). These ticks pick upBorrelia burgdorferi when they bite infected animals and then infect humans by biting them and passing the bacteria into the person's bloodstream.
Sound gross? Maybe. But you can be sure that you won't witness this process: It's very hard to see the ticks themselves. Immature ticks, or nymphs, are about the size of a poppy seed. Adult ticks are about the size of a sesame seed.
Because the ticks are hard to find, it helps to be aware of the symptoms of Lyme disease. It's easy to overlook a tick bite. Many people who get Lyme disease don't remember being bitten. The good news is that most tick bites don't result in Lyme disease.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms and When Do They Appear?
Lyme disease can affect different body systems, such as the nervous system, joints, skin, and heart. The symptoms of Lyme disease are often described as happening in three stages. Not everyone experiences all of these stages, though:
1.      Often, the first sign of infection is a circular rash. This rash appears within 1-2 weeks of infection but may develop up to 30 days after the tick bite. The rash often has a characteristic "bull's-eye" appearance, with a central red spot surrounded by clear skin that is ringed by an expanding red rash. It may also appear as an expanding ring of solid redness. It may be warm to the touch and is usually not painful or itchy. The bull's-eye rash may be more difficult to see on people with darker skin tones, where it may take on a bruise-like appearance.

The rash usually resolves in about a month. Although this rash is considered typical of Lyme disease, many people never develop it.
2.      Along with the rash, a person may experience flu-like symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, headache, and muscle aches. Left untreated, symptoms of the initial illness may go away on their own. But in some people, the infection can spread to other parts of the body. Symptoms of this stage of Lyme disease usually appear within several weeks after the tick bite, even in someone who has not developed the initial rash. The person may feel very tired and unwell, or may have more areas of rash that aren't at the site of the bite.

Lyme disease can affect the heart, leading to an irregular heart rhythm or chest pain. It can spread to the nervous system, causing facial paralysis (Bell's palsy) or tingling and numbness in the arms and legs. It can start to cause headaches and neck stiffness, which may be a sign of meningitis. Swelling and pain in the large joints can also occur.
3.      The last stage of Lyme disease can occur if the early stages of the disease were not detected or appropriately treated. Symptoms of late Lyme disease can appear any time from weeks to years after an infectious tick bite. They may include arthritis, particularly in the knees, and memory lapses (this last symptom happens mainly to adults and is rare in kids and teens).
Having such a wide range of symptoms can make Lyme disease difficult for doctors to diagnose. Fortunately, there's a blood test that looks for evidence of the body's reaction to Lyme disease.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reuni Akbar 2010

Koleksi foto ini diambil ketika Reuni Akbar tanggal 13 September 2010,,,
Foto-foto ini di unggah hanya untuk mengisi kekosongan space, bagi teman-teman baik alumni ataupun yang masih berstatus pelajar di sekolah kita SMAN 1 Gunung Talang, mohon share konten di sini, apapun itu, yang penting bertema SMAN 1 Gunung Talang,

Bagi yang berminat share apapun itu kontennya, yang penting bermanfaat bagi kita semua, baik alumni, pelajar maupun pengunjung lepas yang ingin tahu banyak tentang sekolah kita SMAN 1 Gunung Talang. Silahkan share dan kirim konten anda ke ditunggu partisipasinya.

Maju terus SMAN 1 Gunung Talang, Jujur dan Kreatif dalam kemajuan.

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